blogs, the internet, freedom of speech, judging people, judging events, judging judges (see Cowell, Simon), friends doing stupid things, friends who write about friends who do stupid things, Soapnet, 65 degree weather in November (see Warming, Global), farts and fart jokes (see sister, Jenn), babies, baby voices, look at the baby, look at what the baby can do, songs about lotion and tubby time (see baby songs), turkey thermometers, brine and too-small buckets and almost catastrophes (see Mark and Brown, Alton), Macy's Parade (see Bob from Sesame Street- yes, he's still on Sesame Street and Rockettes), Happy Thanksgiving text messages, weight gain competitions (see brother-in-law, Kevin, who may have a gambling problem), the Long Island Rail Road (see visiting relatives and sister, Melissa), cardboard cutouts of giant dogs in backyard (see geese poop, Canadian), Thanksgiving Day chores spreadsheet (see Excel), books and movies and television channels devoted to golf (see Dad and frustration, Mom), hyperlinks, two types of stuffing (see Kathy and also Zorn's), porcelain gourds, sweet potatoes, apple pie, afternoon nap...
And eventually a partridge in a pear tree. But not until tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving!