January 16, 2008

For Neighbor John, Jon (CJW), Beal

Last night, Vic and I made a very important decision. It took much discussion and a lot of back and forth. Basically, we were stuck in the age-old dilemma: New episode of Law & Order: SVU or new episode of Rob and Big?

Very different choices, to be sure. On the one hand, there are 75 episodes of SVU on during the week, but only ONE of them is brand new (Tuesday nights, last night) And then MTV's scheduling geniuses will undoubtedly play the episode of Rob and Big about 800 times over the next week, probably culminating in a marathon on Sunday where they show it over and over again, interspersed with a True Life here and there.

Having said that, we chose SVU. As much as I love them, there is no real substitute for Chris Meloni when he's in Rage at All of Society mode. We did catch the last few minutes of Rob and Big, though, and discovered:

They went to turtle racing at Brennan's! Which, if you live in Los Angeles and have not been, is fantastic. Good luck getting in now. Actually, it IS Rob and Big so you might not have a problem (love ya).

I tried to find a clip for you, John, (CJW), and Beal, but this is the only one that's up from last night's episode. If one shows up with the crew at Brennan's, I will repost- promise.

And now a little treat for the rest of you. Our big night at Brennan's about a year ago, before NJ moved to Japan and Jon moved back to DC for law school, is most memorable not for the turtle racing but for the conversation that followed between myself, Vic and Beal. Beal was telling us a story about a time she went camping with her friends. I love Beal to pieces but for the majority of her stories I tend to think "this is going to end in either a cornfield or a meth lab".

So she's explaining about this disastrous camping trip- one of the points being that none of her friends brought any water, just beer, and how absurd it was to go without WATER for a camping trip and she says it was so bad that she and her friends had to brush their teeth using the cooler water. Except she mumbled, "Had to brush our teeth in the cooler water" and I was SURE, a few beers in myself, that she said "had to brush our teeth in cooter water" and I looked at Vic who also looked at her strangely so then I was CONVINCED she said cooter water but it's Beal so I tried to shrug it off except the mental image was so... you know. I had to ask. "Did you say, cooter water?"

She looked HORRIFIED. I insisted that Vic misheard her too. And instead of agreeing, Vic just cocks her head and said "Actually I thought she said 'cougar' water" and makes this kind of paw clawing the air motion (if you see her, please ask her to do it for you. It almost killed us) which makes even LESS sense- i mean at least cooter water sounds like a legit, gross, thing. But cougar water?

Anyway. Beal maintains that it isn't the fact that we misheard her so completely that was so funny/appalling but rather that I had just shrugged it off as a Beal thing.


January 15, 2008

The Moment We've All Been Waiting For

January 15, 2008. My last day as a receptionist! And it only took four years.

I can't believe I just wrote that. I may vomit.

January 14, 2008

For Vic, Amanda, and Liz (in particular)

The Spice Girls Greatest Hits is streamed free on AOL this week. I'm listening to it right now. I really don't know what to say about these songs. There are so many things... first of all, if I didn't know what it was and you told me it was the soundtrack for a made-for-TV Disney movie, I would believe you.

Second of all, there's the private success of these girl-women (women who act like girls? Wogirls? I like that) Sporty Spice is INSANELY wealthy thanks to writing a bunch of super successful songs. We all know what happened to Posh (that would be Becks and her transformation into some other-wordly, fantastic being. Possibly sired by Karl Lagerfeld and Edina from AbFab. Let's face it- how can that combination be bad?) And Scary having Eddie Murphy' s baby. And there's that great version of "It's Raining Men". Thanks, Ginger. As for Baby, I guess we should just be grateful she seems normal and isn't one of Hef's girls. She fits the criteria all right.

Omg, 2 Become 1 is playing. I have to go.