February 28, 2008


Why do I feel like since that last post, the only things I can talk about here pertain to bra burning and femi-nazis?

Ok, ok. I solemnly swear to uphold the allegiance all women should share that they will embrace our feminine power, strength of character and intellect as a vibrant and flourishing people, and finally reclaim the respect we deserve...

But first, laugh at this Mariah Carey video. (Come on, she's leading a UNICORN around!)

February 26, 2008

Worst for Women in Pop Culture

As Hillary Clinton prepares for what is widely believed to be her last debate, I'm forced to wonder about Sex and Politics. I know, I know- it's not as glamorous as Race and Politics but when you hear Pat Buchanan disparage Clinton on MSNBC because her voice reminds him of his wife yelling at him, once again making her campaign about the physical (her hair, her laugh, her cry, her clothes) not on the strength of her experience, character and ideals, where else is there to go really?

And the truth is...I've said for a long time that we would have a black President before a woman President made it into office. Racial discrimination is still a serious, dangerous, ever-present threat to our society. But so are the rampant social perceptions of a gender that currently outnumbers men in this country and yet still only maintain 16% of the Senate and 16% of the House.

And this stuff? It ain't helping the cause. With that, I give you the worst that American pop culture has to offer. Every one of these things puts us "in our place." It's a very bad place. We don't think for ourselves here. We're judged on how we look instead of our brains. We have to beat the crap out of each other because of a guy. Repeatedly. And then come back and do it again in a year. We only want to be liked, but not respected. We talk the talk but we don't act on our ideals.

And we're not putting up much of a fight against any of it.

Reality TV

Why? Take your pic from the big Five, MTV, VH1 and E! Our personal favorites in the Backwards Steps category: any show that sends 12-15 half-naked women scrambling through the world's most degrading challenges over 1 dude who you would avoid at all costs if he approached you in a bar. Even you, Bret Michaels. I would flirt with you for maybe a minute and then go discuss with my friends how awesome that was and why you can't embrace the fact that you're bald. I would not subject myself to scrounging in a dumpster for your guitar pick. Don't get me started on Flavor of Love. I love Public Enemy as much as the next person but let's be honest- Flav is basically a homeless guy who can tell time.

The makers of pretty much every new network television show for the last five years

Why? A few weeks ago, Entertainment Weekly dedicated an article to why networks are having such a difficult time finding the next "Sex and the City," why shows like Lipstick Jungle and Cashmere Mafia are tanking. Gee, I wonder. Let's put aside the fact that Movies and TVs' biggest prevailing problem is that they believe people will swallow a shitty script if the production values are high enough and you get Pat Fielding in your corner. But let's ignore that. Maybe it's because we don't RECOGNIZE these women. Am to believe that some 5'11 former model turned movie exec/mommy/married to hot hubby is anyone I know? How do I relate to her? Why do you want me to care? Let's even ignore the Insanely Beautiful Hollywood Woman versus the Rest of Us theory and just say once and for all what women want to see. It's simple and shocking- it's exactly what men want to see too: Multi-dimensional characters facing realistic, interesting issues and situations. Most disturbing is that these series are supposedly written by women. You've been in LA too long, ladies.

The Katherine Heigl box set (Knocked Up and 27 Dresses)

Why? Full disclaimer- I loved Knocked Up. What I hated was hearing star Katherine Heigl's comments in the press afterword about how demeaning the movie, all of Judd Apatow's work really, is to women. “It was hard for me to love the movie” because it’s “a little sexist…it paints the women as shrews, as humorless and uptight, and it paints the men as goofy, fun-loving guys.” She then proceeds to shill 27 Dresses, about a women's obsession with getting married. And how she's been a bridesmaid 27 times. Which means all of the other women in her life are also obsessed with getting married. Marriage is fine. It's a beautiful institution. But is this premise really what we need? Is this Doris Day reverb? On the grand scale of all we can accomplish as human beings, this is all we can find to talk about?

Marie Claire

Why? I realize I could've taken the easy way out and just stuck Glamour and Cosmo here but Marie Claire really infuriates me. At least Glamour and Cosmo are exactly what they claim to be- they focus on sex and looks. They pretty much haven't changed since I was a teenager- the bar is low. And sex matters, so does the multi-billion beauty industry. Marie Claire is worse because it claims to be more. It insists on including World pieces, the intention of which I applaud. But the pieces themselves? Ugh. The last one I read, had this byline: Teenage girls are grabbing guns and joining the outlawed New People’s Army in the Philippines. Here, a rare glimpse at their secret lives. Fascinating, right? Yeah, well. It was two pages long. Mostly pictures. And pretty much the only copy focused on how these women couldn't have sex or had to keep their boyfriends secret. "Every aspect of NPA life is regulated, including romance; premarital sex is forbidden." It's one thing to truly believe that all women are whores. It's another to know they're not and treat them like that anyway.

The Biggest Loser (what's in a name?)

Why? It's hard to discredit The Biggest Loser on NBC. The show is moving in its intention to get the morbidly obese back to fighting shape, in most cases saving these people's lives and giving them back to their families. Not to meant inspiring the fattest country on the planet. The focus is on exercise and healthy eating over dangerous plastic surgery. Cheers, yay, go for it! But...did we have to call it The Biggest Loser? I'm sure some network honcho patted himself on the back for that one. Truly, the best titles encompass two or more meanings. And here the meanings are... The winner of the show loses the most weight. The biggest loser of weight. And the second? Fat people are losers. One of these people is the biggest loser. It makes both the men and the women look bad. It's needlessly cruel. In my opinion, NBC is the biggest loser here, when it comes to that whole karma thing (See what I did there? NBC? My name is Earl? Karma?)

This makes me happy

Seriously, insanely happy. Look at that! Look! Revel in the cuteness of that!

Sometimes there's justice in the world.

February 25, 2008

Best for Women in Pop Culture

Every once in a while, I feel some damn pride in the world and I feel necessary to share it. With that in mind, I dedicate this puppy to my girls and a few forward-thinking guys too.

And to the suits who call the shots- I'm gunning for you. Where there's a Best Of list, there's a Worst Of not far behind and the list is long and depressing. It needs to be addressed, even if it exists here where only I can see it. I'm thinking of calling it, "Stop treating us like stupid whores."

Queen Latifah's Jenny Craig commercial

Why? Latifah's take on the weight loss-spokeswoman franchise is refreshing- turning it into a pledge to get a little healthier over succumbing to some unrealistic Size 2 For Everyone mantra.

Reese Witherspoon

Why? I will admit that I have a spastic "Reese is on the cover- must have magazine" twitch. I can't help it. I've stopped fighting it. As someone who is consistently wondering why women continue degrade themselves all over pop culture and, separately, why affluent parents have become so frightened of their children as to coddle/spoil/ruin them for the rest of mankind, any time Reese Witherspoon opens her mouth I breath a sigh of relief. She believes in discipline. And manners (she writes thank you notes. C'mon). And she believes women should be portrayed a way that doesn't crucify the whole gender. They should play to their strengths and use their brains. And then she actually goes out and makes movies that prove her point- ahem, we're looking at you Heigl (are you smirking out there that Legally Blonde didn't quite make the list? Maybe you should watch it again. And pay attention this time.)

Reality TV- Amazing Race, How to Look Good Naked

Why? One asks contestants, of both sexes, of all races, size and creed, to use their wits, guile and resolve. Shocking. The other seeks to undo decades of poisonous programming that an imperfect body is a reason to torture yourself until you have to squeeze yours eyes shut in a dressing room or hide under the covers instead of going to a party with your friends. In a week. The results never fail to bring me to tears.

Tina Fey

Why? Say what you will about the first female head writer of notorious boy's club Saturday Night Live- that is a big deal. So is her work on 30 Rock, which just might be the most important sitcom since Seinfeld. So is being named one of 2007's 100 People Who Shape Our World by Time magazine. So is just shrugging it all off and going back to work.

Dove ads

Why? Dove's biggest statement is To make more women feel beautiful everyday. God, it's nice when a company actually walks the talk. It would've been simple to attempt to prove this statement by filling ad space and commercial blocks with the same long-tressed, perfect-skinned, stick-thin, Who Are These Women? models that everyone else uses. Instead, Dove gives us women we actually recognize. And now I use Dove. See how that works, advertising cronies?

The makeup artists/costumer designers of Crime TV- All the Law & Orders, Cold Case, The Closer, and Medium

Sure, you get them all dolled up on the red carpet and they're knock-outs. But on the small screen? They're a little working mom-schlubby (Alison on Medium), they routinely forget to brush their hair (Lily on Cold Case, Brenda on Medium), they ignore or downplay makeup completely and wear clothes that make SENSE for the job (the cops and lawyers on Law & Order). The result? We believe these women are who they say they are (You hear that, Ally McBeal?). And a special bonus to Patricia Arquette for famously turning down the demand that she lose 25 lbs for her role, arguing that she is exactly what a real working mother of three looks like, just as she is.

Ugly Betty

Why? Tell me if you've heard this one. A chubby girl with braces, bushy eyebrows and a Guadalajara poncho walks into a high fashion magazine office and the world at large goes crazy with love and joy. Where have you been all my life, Betty Suarez? I sure could've used you when I myself was a T-shirt-over-the-bathing-suit kind of girl.

The How-To Women of the Food Network (Except you, Sandra Lee. Sorry- there's something about your Stepford Wives persona that I cannot stomach)
Why? Wait. Food is the enemy. How come y'all don't all weigh 110 lbs? How come you're not telling me to stick to my fat-free cream cheese diet? The lesson learned here is more than just how to whip up egg whites. It's about appreciating the blend of creativity and efficiency, savoring all the world has to offer and perfecting the art of making something out of nothing. Things all women thrive at when they give themselves the chance.


Why? Because it's a great movie. Because daughter Bernie is too familiar and just breaks my heart. And it has this passage- "American women, I believe, actually feel the same as Hispanic women about weight. A desire for the comfort of fullness. And when that desire is suppressed for style, and deprivation allowed to rule, dieting, exercising American women become afraid of everything associated with being curvaceous...such as wantonness, lustfulness, sex, food...motherhood. All that is best in life."

For Graham and Lee

This picture is amazing. It's exactly what I need to see on a Monday- Christopher Lloyd leaning casually up against a time-traveling Delorean. Now if I could just see Harrison Ford in the front seat of the Millenium Falcon, we'd really be talking. Ok my geek is showing. Gotta go.