December 20, 2007

For Vic, Trendz, Beal and anyone else who enjoys watching Bret Michaels on his quest for true love

Meet the cast for Season 2! Um, I'm sorry- Girl with Mohawk- are you Nora, that chick from Season 1 of Project Runway? Because you really, really look like her a lot.

I am ridiculously excited. That girl front row far left looks like a porn queen. And also like she has to pee, like now. Then there's Lauren Hutton in the back there. And a couple of really stupid-looking brunettes doing the coy finger-to-mouth move. Clever, girls. Very clever.

For Preston

Ask for a dedication and ye shall receive (she moved to Okinawa, Japan last week. It was either this video or one with people doing a lot of karate)

For Jon...

Whose love of the British royals is both well documented and hilarious.

Queen Elizabeth II Becomes Britain's Oldest-Ever Monarch


Queen Elizabeth II Photo by: INF
Queen Elizabeth II Becomes Britain's Oldest-Ever Monarch | Queen Elizabeth II
At 81 years and 243 days old, Queen Elizabeth II becomes the Britain's oldest-ever monarch Thursday, passing Queen Victoria.

Buckingham Palace has calculated her age down to the hour and says Elizabeth will officially set the new record at around 5 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time, or noon EST, the Associated Press reports.

Elizabeth was born on April 21, 1926. She ascended to the throne in February 1952, when she was 25 years old.

She still has some way to go if she is to set another record held by Victoria – that of longest-reigning monarch. Victoria became queen at 18 and reigned for 63 years and seven months. Elizabeth would pass that mark on Sept. 9, 2015, when she would be 89 years old.

Elizabeth became a grandmother for the eighth time on Monday, when Prince Edward and his wife Sophie welcomed a baby boy.

December 18, 2007

OMG Y'all

Jamie Lynn Spears is PREGNANT. Lord, here we go.

For Manna...

December 17, 2007

A "This One is Just for You" special report

Since this is a dedication blog, I feel it is my duty as Dedication Master (and yes, that's how I refer to myself these days) to keep you abreast of all things fantastic regarding dedications.

So it's the holidays which is a great time to reveal my adoration for Christmas music. I'm a big sucker for cheese aka Sentimental Fromage and its combination with holiday festiviness is something I cannot resist. I don't fight it. I don't make excuses. I blame my father.

Anywhosall, as soon as Thanksgiving is over my first order of business is to find The Christmas Station. Because in every city, there is always a Christmas Station. And it should come as no surprise that it's usually the lite FM station that takes up the cause.

You might see where I'm going with this but just in case you don't... Lite FM means something other than Kenny G and Celine Dion... it means Dedications.

I had forgotten all about this. I MAY have blocked it out, actually, but now that I've rediscovered it, I am totally and completely hooked. Thank you, spirits of Christmas Fromage, for delivering the motherload- Christmas song dedications on Lite FM.

I was listening the other night on my way home from the Grove on Friday night (something else I've since blocked out- what a nightmare) and I got the usual dedication treats. That smooth lady DJ's voice crooning, "Bobby would like to wish Karen a very merry christmas. He sent us this message earlier- You are the love of my life. I cannot believe I get to spend another Christmas with you. You are so precious to me." And the song was some atrocious instrumental version of Jingle Bell Rock on a xylophone. That the DJ declared one of her all time favorites. I mean, I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

So here's my little Holiday Time gift to you, dear readers. Two of my all time favorite Dedication Masters... Delilah (whose hair is a subject unto itself) and Boston's David Allan Bouche which might just be the best Lite FM DJ name in history.

For Vic T, Tracy and Nicole...

UM... so, which already won my eternal affection for playing Arrested Development for free online after it was cancelled, continues to climb the Hugs N Kisses ladder with THIS little nugget of joy.

Namely playing the Roswell pilot so Katherine Heigl fans can get a Monday morning fix that doesn't involve Grey's Anatomy, her film work and her omigod-Katherine-stop-talking-before-you-hurt-yourself-further inducing interviews in major magazines.

Whatever. I'll take it.

December 14, 2007

For anyone reared in the '90s...

I just wanted to say that it's 4:06pm and my Pandora Holiday Standards station has decided to throw Monica and Brandy's duet "That Boy is Mine" into the mix. Sandwiched in between Perry Como (somewhere my father is crying with pride that I'm actually admitting his version of Santa Clause is Coming to Town is actually superior to others) and Bing Crosby's "White Christmas."

What is Pandora trying to say? Are they inferring that the boy in the song is Jesus? Monica and Brandy are fighting over Jesus? That would be kind of hilarious actually... especially the music video. I need to call South Park asap.

For Tracy...

December 11, 2007

For V.I.C.

This is the most accurate portrayal of my roommate life with Victoria. Except that it's a beer commercial. And we're not guys. Irregardless...

December 10, 2007

For Melissa (Big Sister)

Scott Baio Marries Longtime Girlfriend


Renee Sloan and Scott Baio Photo by: Michael Buckner / Getty
Scott Baio Marries Longtime Girlfriend | Scott Baio

Scott Baio is 46... and married.

The former Happy Days star and legendary bachelor finally tied the knot with longtime girlfriend Renee Sloan in a rooftop ceremony at a luxury high-rise Saturday in Los Angeles.

The small religious ceremony was filmed for an episode for the second season of VH1's reality show Scott Baio is 45... and Single, which premieres next month.

Among the attendees: Sloan's 18-year-old daughter by a previous relationship, and according to sources, the newest member of the Baio family: the couple's newborn daughter, whose name has not yet been released.

Not long ago the idea of marriage was an anathema to the longtime Playboy Mansion regular.

"My parents were married 53 years, good and bad," the actor told PEOPLE recently. "Can I do that? Probably not. But I really hope I can. I don't know, 53 years with the same human being? I can't be around myself for more than three or four hours before I want to kill everybody."

Baio and Sloan, a model and actress he dated in the late '90s after meeting at the Playboy Mansion, stayed friends, and reconnected romantically a couple of years ago.

December 7, 2007


Happy Friday!

December 5, 2007

Two for Toman in ONE Day!

Unprecedented. But it had to be done because I just stumbled upon a review that calls "Slapshot" the greatest sports movie ever made. So naturally, I had to share...

Check it here, in case you're interested.

And in case you're wondering about Toman's affection for the movie, it's so great that it prompted Vic to purchase Slapshot 2: Breaking the Ice for him- starring an icky Stephen Baldwin, at Big Lots. On VHS. For $1. Jealous?

For Toman...

This is the best thing I've heard all day. So, from my very cursory understanding of the situation- Greenpeace recently launched a contest for people to name a whale. The prereq whale names are all on there- they're as studious and thoughtful and carefully elegant as you might imagine- names like Humphrey and Amal and Malaya. Whales are serious, beautiful creatures. Greenpeace is a serious, beautiful organization.

Mister Splashy Pants is not a serious or beautiful name. But it DOES have 75% of the vote! Greenpeace is so flummoxed that it has extended the voting to try and bring dignity (and their infamous lack of a sense of humor) back to environmental causes.*

Therefore I am including the link to vote here and asking you to please take thirty seconds out of your stressful pre-holiday work day to vote for Mister Splashy Pants. And I've dedicated this to Toman because if he were still in the States and we were still commuting to work together, this is something we would've giggled about while being stuck in traffic on the 10.

*Read this plea for people to vote for a different name. It's unintentionally hilarious.

December 3, 2007

For Habs...

Blake Lewis scares me but I thought you'd like to know AOL is playing his CD for free this week here. (For others who visit the site who aren't American Idol inclined- the CD loads and starts playing and it's a little jarring. So warned. I forgot the page was open and loading and moved on to something else and then jumped about five feet in the air. Nice)

'K bye!

November 30, 2007

For Jon

For generations, or at least since 1989, students everyone have been tormented by a specific brand of teacher.

This teacher has the best of intentions. To educate, to inspire. Honestly, teachers and professors- educators of all ilk are special creatures. They deserve our respect and full, undivided attention (not to mention a decent pay raise in the urban sectors). But they are only human. And even the best of intentions sometimes fall prey to...the movie moment.

One thing is to blame. Witness:

Poor Jon was the most recent victim, this time it was one of his law professors who in the span of one class, spouted poetry, let a few kids perform a five minute rap song, and then proceeded to make a 20 minute speech about the power of law and how they're all going to change the world. Jon said it was super poetic and philosophic. The room burst into applause and here is Jon's own take on the last few minutes:

"But the BEST PART is that as the class is exploding in applause he takes his speech, smartly puts in in his folio, brings the folio up to the breast pocket on his suit and marches out of the class...DURING THE APPLAUSE. I'm still pretty traumatized. It was honestly a movie moment, and I was really hoping to go through life without having one of those."

Poor guy.

For anyone who needs a little Dolly right now...

You're welcome. ;)

November 29, 2007

Something That Was Awesome When You First Saw It

I'm starting a new segment. "Things That Are Still Awesome" And I'm starting with this...

For anyone

still wondering whether or not Conan is awesome. For the record, he is.

Conan O’Brien Paying 80 Staffers During Strike

November 29, 2007

As the Writers Guild of America strike drags on, Conan O’Brien is bringing some holiday cheer to his late-night talk show staff, pledging to cover the salaries of his non-writing production workers—nearly 80 people in all.

NBC, which airs the comedian’s talk show Late Night with Conan O’Brien, agreed to cover the salaries through the end of November, and O’Brien, 44, will personally pick up the tab for the foreseeable future, according to Variety.

O’Brien is said to be grateful for the loyalty many of those staffers have shown over the years. Many of them are expected to accompany him to the West Coast when he takes over as host of The Tonight Show in 2009.

Late Night with Conan O’Brien has been in reruns, along with the other late-night talk shows, since the WGA went on strike Nov. 5.

On Nov. 7, at a benefit in New York for wounded Iraq war veterans, O’Brien said, “I do have some good news about the writers’ strike. If it continues, there will not be a third Deuce Bigalow movie.” —Tim Nudd

November 28, 2007

For Jenn

who, judging by this all-too-recent photo, is thrilled that her 16 year old plan to marry Christian Slater and have his Heather/Kuffs/Gleaming the Cube babies didn't pan out as planned...

November 27, 2007

and then for Mark...

Beauty pageant drama reminds me of only one thing. Ok, two- 1) that time Vic found her old VHS tape that had Troop Beverly Hills on it and we watched it and then discovered that on the tape immediately after that was this old beauty pageant that Vic had taped eons ago* and thus we learned of Vic's secret love of beauty pageants which is so funny and unlike her that I am forced to bring it up whenever possible.

and 2) THIS

* it was actually the one when Bridgette Wilson was crowned Miss Teen USA 1990 (God, Sandy Duncan. Keep it together. Jeez) before becoming a cultural icon as an actress for her award-worthy work in Billy Madison and the Wedding Planner and, my personal favorite Mortal Kombat

For Jenn...

When life imitates art...and by art, I mean movies starring Sandra Bullock. Same thing right?

Mystery Deepens in Miss Puerto Rico Pepper-Spray Incident


Ingrid Marie Rivera Photo by: Luis Alcala del Olmo / AP

Mystery Deepens in Puerto Rico Pepper-Spray Incident
The mystery surrounding the alleged pepper spraying of Puerto Rico's 2008 Miss Universe contestant's belongings is nothing to sneeze at.

Police are now said to be investigating just how Ingrid Marie Rivera was able to stop crying between camera appearances at Saturday's pageant, if indeed her gown and makeup had been sabotaged with the spray, as she asserts, NBC News reports.

The reported skepticism about Rivera prompted Today show host Meredith Vieira to inquire on Tuesday's broadcast if, possibly, crime-scene investigators believe the pepper-spray claim may have been imaginary.

"They're saying, they think she made it up?" Vieira asked reporter Kerry Sanders, who replied: "They're looking into it. They're curious."

Rivera is due to be interviewed on Wednesday's Today show, where, on Tuesday, co-anchor Matt Lauer said he intended to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Composed – at Times

Beating 29 rivals, Rivera took home the crown and the chance to vie in the Miss Universe pageant. Throughout the competition, Rivera was composed while appearing before the cameras and panel of judges.

But once off-camera, she was forced to shed her clothes and apply ice bags to her face and body, which twice swelled and broke out in hives, the Associated Press reports.

"We thought at first it was an allergic reaction, or maybe nerves," said pageant spokesman Harold Rosario. "But the second time, we knew it couldn't have been a coincidence." Later, Rivera's garments and cosmetics tested positive for pepper spray.

Rivera's bag containing her gowns, makeup and credit cards reportedly had also been stolen before the pageant.

Saying that she had wavered about remaining in the competition, Rivera, 24, told reporters at a Sunday news conference, "It was a lot of sacrifice, and my tears were genuine," reports Reuters.

'Am I a Masochist?'

"At one point, I asked, 'Am I a masochist?' But I said regardless of the results, this is my goal. The more rocks there are in my path, the more thanks I will give to God for sustaining me."

Miss Puerto Rico Universe pageant director Magali Febles also told the AP that pageant officials were forced to postpone Thursday's final day of competition because of a bomb threat.

Authorities said they searched the premises with dogs but did not discover any explosives.

November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Gobble, gobble... This Thanksgiving, please remember to give thanks for the following:

blogs, the internet, freedom of speech, judging people, judging events, judging judges (see Cowell, Simon), friends doing stupid things, friends who write about friends who do stupid things, Soapnet, 65 degree weather in November (see Warming, Global), farts and fart jokes (see sister, Jenn), babies, baby voices, look at the baby, look at what the baby can do, songs about lotion and tubby time (see baby songs), turkey thermometers, brine and too-small buckets and almost catastrophes (see Mark and Brown, Alton), Macy's Parade (see Bob from Sesame Street- yes, he's still on Sesame Street and Rockettes), Happy Thanksgiving text messages, weight gain competitions (see brother-in-law, Kevin, who may have a gambling problem), the Long Island Rail Road (see visiting relatives and sister, Melissa), cardboard cutouts of giant dogs in backyard (see geese poop, Canadian), Thanksgiving Day chores spreadsheet (see Excel), books and movies and television channels devoted to golf (see Dad and frustration, Mom), hyperlinks, two types of stuffing (see Kathy and also Zorn's), porcelain gourds, sweet potatoes, apple pie, afternoon nap...

And eventually a partridge in a pear tree. But not until tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving!   

November 19, 2007

This week in Brenda/Kelly news...

I will admit it. I kind of love Shannen Doherty a lot. And even Kelly has kind of grown on me over the years, if only for my secret, shameful guilty pleasure affection for What I Like About You. (whichbothJasonPriestlyandLukePerrygueststarredonanditwasawesomewhatever)

I don't know who to bequeath this story too. I'm at a bit of a loss. Beal would appreciate it, as would Amanda. And Vic. And anyone born in the late '70s/early '80s. That's a lot of people. Fine. I bequeath this post to an entire generation of females and some gay males. And some straight guys who are awesome. Happy?

November 16, 2007

For Michael

I still don't understand the depth of your love for Kal Penn but in my search for a list of things to do during the Writers Strike, I stumbled across this. Enjoy!


More in bizarre dolphin news...

Since I started the week with a gross dolphin story, it seems only full-circle to really turn this blog into Tyra Banks' worst nightmare. I promise after today, no more dolphin stories. Ok, that's a lie. Dolphins are awesome. I make no such promises.

Both Sides Speak Out on Hayden Panettiere's Arrest Warrant


Neither side appears to be letting up in the Hayden Panettiere versus Japanese fisherman controversy that began last month, when the Heroes star participated with others in a confrontation with the fisherman during a dolphin hunt.

The situation was exacerbated Thursday, when an arrest warrant was issued in Japan for Panettiere.

Later that day, the actress-activist, 18, told Access Hollywood in a statement: "Obviously this issue has generated defensive behavior on the part of both the Japanese authorities and fishermen."

For her part, Panettiere said, "I have grown up hearing – and adhering to – this phrase: 'Condemnation without investigation dooms one to everlasting ignorance.' "

Moving forward, "We must unite as a world to solve our increasing international environmental crises. We can no longer hide [behind] outdated, senseless cultural traditions and lazy, bad habits that are resulting in the annihilation of our planet's resources and the extinction of our species," she said.

Fisheries Respond

On Oct. 30, Panettiere joined other activists in paddling on surfboards into a cove near Taiji in southwestern Japan, in an attempt to interfere with a dolphin hunt there. The incident drew worldwide attention when video of it – including footage of Panettiere weeping on shore after being turned back – reached the Internet.

In response to that protest, Takumi Fukuda, a spokesperson for the Fisheries Attaché at the Embassy of Japan released a statement to Access Hollywood. It said, "Generations of people in Taiji have relied on fisheries for their livelihoods, and their catches are carried out in a sustainable manner."

Adding that "The population of dolphins has been healthily maintained for many years," Fukuda statement goes on to say, "While respecting Ms. Panettierre's personal feelings towards dolphins, I hope that your viewers will be reassured by the fact that Japan is carefully managing marine-living resources for the future."

November 14, 2007

Phil and I are being Link Buddies

Phil is funny. His blog Overlooked is funny too. He writes about ridiculous items for sale. Naturally, I just had to make a passionate case for his using SkyMall as a regular resource. If you have never heard or seen SkyMall, congratulations on being an adult who has never stepped foot on an airplane. That's a pretty big accomplishment.

SkyMall is glorious because it's like the tackiest stuff from Brookstone and the Best Of collection from Sharper Image circa 1995 ran off together and had an illegitimate baby they named Spencer Gifts II.

In case you were ever looking for an item like this:

Gosh, my aerobed is so small. I wish my overnight guests could experience a more luxurious night's sleep in my living room.

Hold the phone! Why, this is perfect! How many times have I wished for a place where I can curl up with a good magazine (like Sky Mall), my black socks and a throw pillow. And finally I don't have to worry about those sheets getting tangled up and in my way of a good time... Just me, a cup of mint chamomille and my giant, giant inflatable bed.

Vic, remember that old conspiracy theory of yours?

When you were convinced that the whole Fed-Ex/Britney marriage was a plot cooked up by Kevin and Shar to bilk her for millions?

I think People is starting to agree with you...

Embroiled in an ongoing custody battle with ex-wife Britney Spears, Kevin Federline nevertheless is trying to see that all four of his offspring get along, thanks to a helping hand from former girlfriend Shar Jackson.

Jackson, 31, has two children – Kori, 5, and Kaleb, 3 – with Federline, 29, and says that she watches Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1, who are Federline's kids with Spears, 25.

"We definitely make sure the kids all bond together," Jackson told reporters Tuesday night. "I mean, they're siblings, they need each other."

Jackson also stresses that she and Federline strive to keep their family closely knit, despite whatever differences she and he might have.

"We're not together or anything but we're definitely still a family unit," says Jackson, who perhaps remains best known professionally for her portrayal of Niecy on the 1996-2001 UPN show Moesha.

Best of Friends

"Honestly," says Jackson, "we're like the best of friends. Obviously, the relationship didn't work out for a reason, and we're cool with that. But we're still a part of each other's lives. And our children get to see two people who aren't together but still have a great relationship, and I think that's really important."

Jackson, who in the past has repeatedly praised Federline's parenting skills, says she exclusively trusts him with her kids. "I know he's in a good place," she says, "the kids are in a good place, and I made sure from day one – I told him, 'You make sure you have our children.' "

And just how is K-Fed holding up in the fight with Britney over their kids? "He's great," says Jackson. "We don't even talk about that stuff, because that would be a non-stop conversation, and we don't even go there."

For Mark, Liz, Michael, Vic, Adam, Pam, Nicole, Conor, Beth, Brianna, Bobes, Preston, and Toman...and people who love Tim Gunn

November 13, 2007

For "friend" Michael

Oh my word, something's happened to Nancy Grace!

November 12, 2007

For Pam

This One is for Me

That's right! ME. Because I still feel sick today. And listening to my sister Jenn make farting noises is good medicine. (My nephew is pretty cute too. Never hurts) But really, it's the noises parents make when the video camera is on...

His expression says it all. "Seriously, guys?" Is irony a genetic trait? I think I'd prefer he's inherited that from me rather than, as my mother said, my "oily skin." Thanks, Mom.

Vic/Little: This one goes out to you...and that drunk boy from the diner in San Diego

Nicole is trying to horrify me...

If you're interested in buying one of these for your dog, it's only $40 on Orvis. My God, this is disturbing. What propels someone to buy this?! (Sarah Jeanne, I just know you're copying the link down. Put down the pen. PUT DOWN THE PEN.)

The only scenario I can think of is your parents in town and you swore to them this time, you really do have a boyfriend and he's coming and how about they meet him at brunch but you made him up so maybe if you just put Fido in this cable knit fisherman's sweater and put him upright at the table, drooling and looking dapper...

November 8, 2007


When you feel sad about our impending separation...

To Judi...Love, Liz

I love it! I dedicate this photo to you…you blogging mastermind you.

Ew! for Jon (CJW) and Tyra Banks

Dolphins save surfer from becoming shark’s bait

A pod of bottlenose dolphins helped protect the severely injured boarder

By Mike Celizic contributor
updated 6:57 a.m. PT, Thurs., Nov. 8, 2007

Surfer Todd Endris needed a miracle. The shark — a monster great white that came out of nowhere — had hit him three times, peeling the skin off his back and mauling his right leg to the bone.

That’s when a pod of bottlenose dolphins intervened, forming a protective ring around Endris, allowing him to get to shore, where quick first aid provided by a friend saved his life.

“Truly a miracle,” Endris told TODAY’s Natalie Morales on Thursday.

The attack occurred on Tuesday, Aug. 28, just before 11 a.m. at Marina State Park off Monterey, Calif., where the 24-year-old owner of Monterey Aquarium Services had gone with friends for a day of the sport they love. Nearly four months later, Endris, who is still undergoing physical therapy to repair muscle damage suffered during the attack, is back in the water and on his board in the same spot where he almost lost his life.

“[It] came out of nowhere. There’s no warning at all.

Maybe I saw him a quarter second before it hit me. But no warning. It was just a giant shark,” Endris said. “It just shows you what a perfect predator they really are.”

The shark, estimated at 12 to 15 feet long, hit him first as Endris was sitting on his surfboard, but couldn’t get its monster jaws around both surfer and surfboard. “The second time, he came down and clamped on my torso — sandwiched my board and my torso in his mouth,” Endris said.

That attack shredded his back, literally peeling the skin back, he said, “like a banana peel.” But because Endris’ stomach was pressed to the surfboard, his intestines and internal organs were protected.

The third time, the shark tried to swallow Endris’ right leg, and he said that was actually a good thing, because the shark’s grip anchored him while he kicked the beast in the head and snout with his left leg until it let go.

The dolphins, which had been cavorting in the surf all along, showed up then. They circled him, keeping the shark at bay, and enabled Endris to get back on his board and catch a wave to the shore.

Our finned friends
No one knows why dolphins protect humans, but stories of the marine mammals rescuing humans go back to ancient Greece, according to the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.

A year ago in New Zealand, the group reports, four lifeguards were saved from sharks in the same way Endris was — by dolphins forming a protective ring.

Though horribly wounded, Endris said he didn’t think he was going to die. “Actually, it never crossed my mind,” he told Morales.

It did, though, cross the minds of others on the beach, including some lifeguards who told his friend, Brian Simpson, that Endris wasn’t going to make it.

Simpson is an X-ray technician in a hospital trauma center, and he’d seen badly injured people before. He had seen Endris coming in and knew he was hurt.

“I was expecting him to have leg injuries,” he told Morales. “It was a lot worse than I was expecting.”

Blood was pumping out of the leg, which had been bitten to the bone, and Endris, who lost half his blood, was ashen white. To stop the blood loss, Simpson used his surf leash as a tourniquet, which probably saved his life.

“Thanks to this guy,” Endris said, referring to Simpson, who sat next to him in the TODAY studio, “once I got to the beach, he was calming me down and keeping me from losing more blood by telling me to slow my breathing and really just be calm. They wouldn’t let me look at my wounds at all, which really helped.

A medivac helicopter took him to a hospital, where a surgeon had to first figure out what went where before putting him back together.

“It was like putting together a jigsaw puzzle,” Endris said.

Six weeks later, he was well enough to go surfing again, and the place he went was back to Marina State Park. It wasn’t easy to go back in the water.

“You really have to face your fears,” he told Morales. “I’m a surfer at heart, and that’s not something I can give up real easily. It was hard. But it was something you have to do.”

The shark went on its way, protected inside the waters of the park, which is a marine wildlife refuge. Endris wouldn’t want it any other way.

“I wouldn’t want to go after the shark anyway,” he said. “We’re in his realm, not the other way around.”

International Shark Attack Research Foundation: Learn more about the organization and their work to prevent shark attacks by visiting this site.

For Michael when he's looking for "Penelope" from SNL

Um and anyone else for that matter. Penelope is awesome. Mmmkay so...

Watch here.

This is for Amanda

Kylie and Danni Minogue have nothing on us...


A dedication is a fantastic thing when you really think about it. You’re going about your day in you typical self-absorbed bubble. Worrying about your job, your money, your future, your place in the world. Me me me, I I I. You take a break from doing actual, legit work, telling yourself you’ve earned five minutes of mind-numbing web surfing. Perez Hilton, a little TMZ, a little Drudge Report...

Suddenly, you see something and it is exactly the funny, brilliant, stupid, touching thing that an exact person in your life will love and understand completely. You are, in a single instance, no longer the solitary resident of Your World. In one instant, your universe is, wait. Even better. It’s tripled. It has inexplicably expanded to include Others- both the person you know and the person you don’t know, someone out there whom you have never met or seen or thought of in your whole life- a stranger has posted this random thing that somehow means the same thing to both of you.

Or really, it’s more simple than that. A dedication is the best part of a gift- you know, without the price tag and implied “value” of it all, or that feeling of obligation. It’s out of the blue, personal and extremely thoughtful- the perfect gift. It makes them feel great. It makes you look awesome. And all you usually do is copy and paste a link.

I think we can do better. Why not? It’s simple, really. See something your friend would think is hilarious? Put it up on this blog with a small note expressly for them. Make sure this blog is one stop on their daily Interweb travels. Check back. Maybe they’ve left YOU something you’d like to see or read or hear.

Interested in posting for friends or family? Email me and I’ll give you the blogger log-in information. You can make your own dedications whenever you want. My only request is that you keep the message short and sweet. Inside jokes preferred. And the post must be dedicated to one of more specific people. First names only. And make sure they have the URL. That’s it!

In honor of the nature of this site, I have to dedicate the idea to my friend Jon (CJW) who spends about six hours a day on email and IM and who is sending me links constantly. Where he finds some of this stuff, I have no idea. But I appreciate the thought...and always having something interesting to read.