May 14, 2008

Please Buy My Shit

The move to Chicago is in full swing. Right now I'm so overwhelmed at the thought of everything I have to do (sell furniture, sell car, pack boxes, ship boxes, clean apartment, paint apartment God) in two and a half weeks that I'm finding it difficult to breath.

In two weeks, we will be out of our home for three years, The Tree House, and Vic will be settling into her new place across the alley in Neighbor John and Neighbor Jen's old building because apparently she has to follow John's life to the letter (lest you forget that he used to live in our old apartment a couple of years ago and is responsible for our decrepit dish rack and the world's crappiest shower head amongst other things). And I will commence sleeping on her new hardwood floor and living out of my giant suitcase for two weeks.

But at least by then (June 1 aka 17 days, 10 hours, 10 minutes and 28 seconds to go- not that I'm counting) I will be pretty much done. The boxes containing all my measly belongings will be packed and dutifully mailed to Liz and Adam. The furniture, painstakingly collected over 4 years and countless thrift stores, will all be sold/given away. The Tree House will be as barren and empty as the first few weeks we rented it, when we were living half a mile away with He Who Will Not Be Named and were sneaking out at night to go visit it, to sit on our new living room floor in the dark and talk about how wonderful it would be when we finally moved all of our stuff in.

I'm listing all of my furniture for sale here too for any LA friends who are interested in my second/third/fourth/infinite hand stuff.

Look at that beautiful bed. Wouldn't you KILL for a beautiful bed like that? I realize most people strip the bed in cases like this but I so rarely have the opportunity to show off my Calvin Klein bedspread, aka the most expensive thing in my possession and no, it's not for sale.

Gorgeous! Spectacular! The best purchase I ever made on someone's driveway!

It kills me to part with this chair. It's small and squeaky and I would carry it on my back to Chicago if at all possible.

Look how chic and classy! And dusty! I promise to wipe this bad boy down, should you be interested in taking it home with you.

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