July 29, 2008

Book Report

I haven't touched my book since May.

It's really a shame too, considering how hard I was working on it until May. But then Dad's video project and the two month hole that became moving just made it impossible to continue the 11 hour-a-day-working and writing pace.

But now...finally, things have settled down. I have one more solid weekend of apartment activities (assembling bookshelves and hanging up pictures) and the place is done. Aside from the parade of fix-it men (cable box busted after a week. Thanks a lot, Comcast), my mornings belong to me again.

The only distressing part now is that what I usually deem as a blessing when it comes to writing- my incredibly short memory (meaning I can reread something I've written with absolutely no recollection of writing it. It makes editing way more effective. It means I can read what I've written as if it were written by someone else. Is that normal?) is a curse at the moment. At this point, I have little choice but to start at the beginning and read the whole thing, editing as I go. While I'm excited about that, I'm worried about how long this will take. I want this book done NOW.

Writing is so strange. I need it and yet it requires so much, sometimes more than I think I'm capable of giving. If you're ever wondering why I love my header photo so much, there's the reason.

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