December 20, 2007

For Vic, Trendz, Beal and anyone else who enjoys watching Bret Michaels on his quest for true love

Meet the cast for Season 2! Um, I'm sorry- Girl with Mohawk- are you Nora, that chick from Season 1 of Project Runway? Because you really, really look like her a lot.

I am ridiculously excited. That girl front row far left looks like a porn queen. And also like she has to pee, like now. Then there's Lauren Hutton in the back there. And a couple of really stupid-looking brunettes doing the coy finger-to-mouth move. Clever, girls. Very clever.

For Preston

Ask for a dedication and ye shall receive (she moved to Okinawa, Japan last week. It was either this video or one with people doing a lot of karate)

For Jon...

Whose love of the British royals is both well documented and hilarious.

Queen Elizabeth II Becomes Britain's Oldest-Ever Monarch


Queen Elizabeth II Photo by: INF
Queen Elizabeth II Becomes Britain's Oldest-Ever Monarch | Queen Elizabeth II
At 81 years and 243 days old, Queen Elizabeth II becomes the Britain's oldest-ever monarch Thursday, passing Queen Victoria.

Buckingham Palace has calculated her age down to the hour and says Elizabeth will officially set the new record at around 5 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time, or noon EST, the Associated Press reports.

Elizabeth was born on April 21, 1926. She ascended to the throne in February 1952, when she was 25 years old.

She still has some way to go if she is to set another record held by Victoria – that of longest-reigning monarch. Victoria became queen at 18 and reigned for 63 years and seven months. Elizabeth would pass that mark on Sept. 9, 2015, when she would be 89 years old.

Elizabeth became a grandmother for the eighth time on Monday, when Prince Edward and his wife Sophie welcomed a baby boy.

December 18, 2007

OMG Y'all

Jamie Lynn Spears is PREGNANT. Lord, here we go.

For Manna...

December 17, 2007

A "This One is Just for You" special report

Since this is a dedication blog, I feel it is my duty as Dedication Master (and yes, that's how I refer to myself these days) to keep you abreast of all things fantastic regarding dedications.

So it's the holidays which is a great time to reveal my adoration for Christmas music. I'm a big sucker for cheese aka Sentimental Fromage and its combination with holiday festiviness is something I cannot resist. I don't fight it. I don't make excuses. I blame my father.

Anywhosall, as soon as Thanksgiving is over my first order of business is to find The Christmas Station. Because in every city, there is always a Christmas Station. And it should come as no surprise that it's usually the lite FM station that takes up the cause.

You might see where I'm going with this but just in case you don't... Lite FM means something other than Kenny G and Celine Dion... it means Dedications.

I had forgotten all about this. I MAY have blocked it out, actually, but now that I've rediscovered it, I am totally and completely hooked. Thank you, spirits of Christmas Fromage, for delivering the motherload- Christmas song dedications on Lite FM.

I was listening the other night on my way home from the Grove on Friday night (something else I've since blocked out- what a nightmare) and I got the usual dedication treats. That smooth lady DJ's voice crooning, "Bobby would like to wish Karen a very merry christmas. He sent us this message earlier- You are the love of my life. I cannot believe I get to spend another Christmas with you. You are so precious to me." And the song was some atrocious instrumental version of Jingle Bell Rock on a xylophone. That the DJ declared one of her all time favorites. I mean, I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

So here's my little Holiday Time gift to you, dear readers. Two of my all time favorite Dedication Masters... Delilah (whose hair is a subject unto itself) and Boston's David Allan Bouche which might just be the best Lite FM DJ name in history.

For Vic T, Tracy and Nicole...

UM... so, which already won my eternal affection for playing Arrested Development for free online after it was cancelled, continues to climb the Hugs N Kisses ladder with THIS little nugget of joy.

Namely playing the Roswell pilot so Katherine Heigl fans can get a Monday morning fix that doesn't involve Grey's Anatomy, her film work and her omigod-Katherine-stop-talking-before-you-hurt-yourself-further inducing interviews in major magazines.

Whatever. I'll take it.