April 4, 2008

For Vic, Jenn and anyone else

around the age of 25-35 who became shriveled masses of shrieking joy when they saw this:

Hilarious. First of all, may I just say that they actually all look really good (as it was when I was eight, my god this was a long time ago, I still only have eyes for Joey. I could not take my eyes off him. Where did I put my scrunchie?!). Second, I was watching this morning (thanks for tivoing it, Vic. I am sincerely going to miss that fabulous aspect of having a roommate when I move to Chicago) and just could not stop laughing at how these women were SCREAMING. They're all roughly my age, a little older maybe, but the fact that we're all adults and have jobs and husbands and children has fully disappeared into 16 year old hysteria at the sight of Donny Walherg. These women brought their NKOTB buttons for God's sake. I don't even know what to say.

Donny just looked so relieved at the reception. As my sister pointed out on the phone this morning, you just know they were having serious misgivings behind that curtain. The same feeling you get in those fifteen minutes right before you throw a party that no one will come and you'll be stuck with four bottles of seltzer and cranberry juice, a reminder you'll have for months of what a friendless loser you are.

I mean, some of these guys have jobs by now- for serious jobs, the kinds of jobs that require conference calls and sales quarters and golf outings. Not to mention new kids of their own. The equivalent might be if my father disappeared into the city one day and instead of going to the office, my mother tells me oh, so casually that he was a member of Wham! back in the day and they were getting together for some limited appearances, some gyrating dance moves and bringing middle-aged women on stage to sing to them, maybe give them a rose. What?! How do you recover from that kind of shift in reality?

And how must these guys feel? I mean, you cannot look back at the NKOTB days and not cringe inwardly a little. Think about what it means to them- it's like when you did that talent show in middle school and at the time you thought you were a badass for dancing to Motown Philly with your girlfriends on stage in front of every single 11-12-13 year old peer but NOW, oh my god, you just never want to think about it ever again. And what if some producer approached you now, today, and goes, "Hey, we really loved your act- what do you think about bringing it on the road?" What? Are you kidding? And they throw you millions of dollars and hold up a chart of the Spice Girls 2008 tour revenue? There's really only one thing to do.

Motown Philly, back again.

April 3, 2008

For Luis, Miguel, Teresa, Sheridan...

So I know where I'm going to be this weekend....

Passions Props Sale (from Soaps.com)

Wednesday, April 02 2008

This week, we got the final definitive news that Passions would be ending after running, on various networks, for nine years. Although this is sad news for those of us who have stayed with it through its ups and downs, all things, good and evil, come to an end, even the mayhem in Harmony.

With the show now finished shooting, fans may start looking for a way to say goodbye in style. Luckily for them, there is going to be a golden opportunity to do so. "We are excited to offer the fans of Passions an opportunity to own a piece of their favorite show," says Stacey Ward, Director of NBC Universal Television DVD, Music and Consumer Products Group. The Group are partnering with Premiere Props to hold a public two-day estate sale of several thousands items from Passions. The sale will feature clothing, housewares and innumerable other items used on the sets of the show over the past several years. Wouldn't you like a chance to get a hold of Tabitha's bowl, Vincent's set of He/She costumes or Spike's pimp clothes, or the plastic fish guts that used to cover Kay when she came home from the cannery? Perhaps you're more excited by the, often flattering, green attire that tended to be favored by the Crane women, or the cleavage enhancing red and black dresses that Rebecca seems to adore so much? Then there are the many dancing shoes, the elaborate costumes from the fantasy sequences of Luis and Sheridan's past lives, or the overtly theatrical props from the many musical numbers that have delighted audiences over the years. No doubt there will be plenty for the avid fan to rummage through and smile at as the past is paraded before them with this wonderful opportunity to take home a piece of TV history.

The sale will be held at the CBS Radford studio lot in Studio City, CA on Saturday, April the 5th and Sunday, April the 6th from 8 AM until 4 PM PST. And please, if you go, be sure to come back and tell Soaps.com what you managed to snag!

April 2, 2008

For Michael

I challenge you to watch this only once. I also implore you to pay attention the priceless details in this all-to-short commercial for what looks like the crappiest instant coffee known to man. Excuse me, coffee crystals.

- The couch covered in plastic. Listen carefully- that's dear Lauren making those squeaky sounds as she langorously shifts to savor the flavor of her fake coffee.

- Those glorious infections: "De-CAFF-inated"

- Whammo! Check out the rock when she puts that cup on top of that other cup (why is that necessary anyway?)

- "My favorite time of day is night." Wow. Can we be more general? My favorite type of pet is dog. You don't say? Also I'm not sure that even makes sense. Night and day are separate things aren't they? Opposites? To do with the existence of the sun? Right? Am I taking crazy pills?