July 17, 2008

July Birthdays

A lot of people get busy in November. I have the evidence here because July is chock full of birthdays. Because I'm tired of sending someecards, I'm going to do my best to pay homage to each and every one of them here.

July 8- Hannah (niece)

July 8- Mandy (friend)

July 13- Lee (brother)

July 13- Lo (friend)

July 15- Adam (friend/temporary roommate)

July 16- Victoria (b. friend)

July 17- Jenn (sister)
I was not kidding. The birthdays do not end.

That's her on the left, next to my dad, today's birthday girl, my 2nd to biggest sister. I have a whole slew of pictures as lovely and precious as these on my computer thanks to Project Dad: The Movie. My siblings should be scared. Very, very scared.

July 30- Mark (my liege)

July 16, 2008

Sweet Lord it is HOT

Too hot to blog. Too hot to talk on the phone. Too hot to click.

But not hot enough for this. That's the wonderful thing about being online all day- a virtual watercooler replaces, you know, a real watercooler. And you don't even have to work with any of them.

So, this video comes courtesy of a shared blip on my Google Reader, aka my virtual breakroom. Enjoy. Try not to laugh too hard though- causes massive amounts of sweating.

July 15, 2008

A Very Good Sign

I believe in omens. I'm that type of girl.

I actually think, sometimes, that the Universe tries to talk to me through my iPod. Like when it's on Shuffle? And I'm wondering if I should stay or should I go now? And it plays Modest Mouse's "Float On"?

Think I'm crazy? Join the club, grab a piece of cheese.

Anyway... got apartment keys this morning. And you should've seen my face when the landlord handed them to me on a very specific, randomo keychain. Especially for a whiskey-loving girl like myself.
Well, hullo Jack. Here to welcome me to the neighborhood, are you? How thoughtful. How oddly comforting.

July 14, 2008

I Don't Know What This Is

But I'm down.


On the agenda for this week:

Monday- Find Liz and Adam's tape measure.

Tuesday- Get keys to new apartment! At 8:30AM! Go home and sleep until work starts!

Wednesday- Get cable/internet/phone installed at new, empty apartment. Inform the cable man that it is imperative I have working cable before I move in. I AM THAT PERSON.

Thursday- Go sit in empty apartment in morning. Measure important spaces for Ikea trip on Saturday. On list: Everything. Already my credit card is starting to weep tears of blood.

Friday- Rent massive cargo van. Proceed with caution.

I also have a gazillion birthdays this week- my brother, Lo, Adam, Vic, Jenn...It never ends. Why do so many people get busy in November?