November 8, 2007


A dedication is a fantastic thing when you really think about it. You’re going about your day in you typical self-absorbed bubble. Worrying about your job, your money, your future, your place in the world. Me me me, I I I. You take a break from doing actual, legit work, telling yourself you’ve earned five minutes of mind-numbing web surfing. Perez Hilton, a little TMZ, a little Drudge Report...

Suddenly, you see something and it is exactly the funny, brilliant, stupid, touching thing that an exact person in your life will love and understand completely. You are, in a single instance, no longer the solitary resident of Your World. In one instant, your universe is, wait. Even better. It’s tripled. It has inexplicably expanded to include Others- both the person you know and the person you don’t know, someone out there whom you have never met or seen or thought of in your whole life- a stranger has posted this random thing that somehow means the same thing to both of you.

Or really, it’s more simple than that. A dedication is the best part of a gift- you know, without the price tag and implied “value” of it all, or that feeling of obligation. It’s out of the blue, personal and extremely thoughtful- the perfect gift. It makes them feel great. It makes you look awesome. And all you usually do is copy and paste a link.

I think we can do better. Why not? It’s simple, really. See something your friend would think is hilarious? Put it up on this blog with a small note expressly for them. Make sure this blog is one stop on their daily Interweb travels. Check back. Maybe they’ve left YOU something you’d like to see or read or hear.

Interested in posting for friends or family? Email me and I’ll give you the blogger log-in information. You can make your own dedications whenever you want. My only request is that you keep the message short and sweet. Inside jokes preferred. And the post must be dedicated to one of more specific people. First names only. And make sure they have the URL. That’s it!

In honor of the nature of this site, I have to dedicate the idea to my friend Jon (CJW) who spends about six hours a day on email and IM and who is sending me links constantly. Where he finds some of this stuff, I have no idea. But I appreciate the thought...and always having something interesting to read.

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