November 30, 2007

For Jon

For generations, or at least since 1989, students everyone have been tormented by a specific brand of teacher.

This teacher has the best of intentions. To educate, to inspire. Honestly, teachers and professors- educators of all ilk are special creatures. They deserve our respect and full, undivided attention (not to mention a decent pay raise in the urban sectors). But they are only human. And even the best of intentions sometimes fall prey to...the movie moment.

One thing is to blame. Witness:

Poor Jon was the most recent victim, this time it was one of his law professors who in the span of one class, spouted poetry, let a few kids perform a five minute rap song, and then proceeded to make a 20 minute speech about the power of law and how they're all going to change the world. Jon said it was super poetic and philosophic. The room burst into applause and here is Jon's own take on the last few minutes:

"But the BEST PART is that as the class is exploding in applause he takes his speech, smartly puts in in his folio, brings the folio up to the breast pocket on his suit and marches out of the class...DURING THE APPLAUSE. I'm still pretty traumatized. It was honestly a movie moment, and I was really hoping to go through life without having one of those."

Poor guy.

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