February 22, 2008


Ok, if you have not played with Stumbleupon.com yet, run and do not walk NOW. You give them a list of topics you're interested in and then download a little bar on your web navigation bar thing. Then, when you're bored and click the Stumble! button, a new website pops up for you to try.

For example, I love Food. Clearly. So, I click on Stumble! and what do I get?

Ok, it looks not that impressive to you but this is like porn to me, people.

So, I was playing around and I had put Travel as my interest. I get to Unusual Hotels of the World and what do I see right away?

A Tree House hotel! Check it out here. My favorite part is this guest quote.

Guest Feedback

"Its nice and snug i like the room"
-U.K. 25 Oct 2007

So funny.

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