March 5, 2008

Blogging to no one is kind of hilarious

It's really just like talking to yourself. I'm not talking about this adorable space. Trendz just yelled at me over IM to update the damn thing (hence I am here. Ask, Reader #1 of maybe 5, and ye shall receive) since it's now March. The truth is I've been doing double duty at my new food blog which I didn't want to mention because there's something SO so gay about a foodie blog (i mean gay like retarded, not gay like homosexual*) and I'm slightly embarrassed about it (I'm also half-assing it. I have no interest in writing recipes and taking pictures.)

So, yeah it's hilarious. I mean, you assume all blogs start this way right? You're just kind of talking out loud and hoping some random person will stumble upon you, right? How often can you email people you know about it? If they don't care, they don't care- spamming your friends is exhausting and makes you feel like a giant loser pest.

But talking to yourself? I can dig it. I don't know- I don't mind it really. I must be tapping into my vast pool of vanity or something (and oh, how that pool has sustained me over the years). To be honest, I really only became a writer in the first place so I could read my own stuff one day (I'm serious. Can you get more VAIN than that?! It's one of those things that makes me appalled and want to disown myself, if that were possible. And the part that loves Me thinks it's so funny and great. I can't win here)

So yeah, I don't know where I'm going with this. Explaining my absence maybe? I've also been reviewing on Culture Clique like CRAZY (70 reviews! My coworkers think I'm crazy), trying to help the cause and all. So yeah, that's all I have to say.

Oh, except that last week's issue of The Onion is on our table in the office kitchen and this story makes me laugh EVERY time I pass it and see the headline:

Victim Of Mall Shooting Determined Not To Die In Yankee Candle

The Onion

Victim Of Mall Shooting Determined Not To Die In Yankee Candle

BUFFALO, NY—"I told myself there was no way in hell I was going to let them find me curled up beside a stack of Jasmine Housewarmer jar candles," said David Mull.

* thanks for doin' all my offendin' for me, Sarah Silverman

1 comment:

SGM said...

Guess what, sister? You're not talking to yourself, so there!
I laughed out loud at that Onion headline. I'd be the same way, man--the shame of being found in smelly Yankee Candle!