May 21, 2008

Moving Update

Boxes mailed to Liz: 13

Offers on bed: 3 (1 is possibly a money laundering scam and doesn't count)

Offer on car: 1 and since rescinded (this is devastating. I need to sell it NOW! What do I do?!)

Drives down Sunset Blvd: 1 (possibly the last time. I remember when we moved here four years ago. Sunset Blvd was magic to us. Like "living in adult playland" as Vic used to say.)

Moments of "Omigod, I cannot believe I saved this for four years- what is WRONG with me?!": Oh, thousands. The best has to be the friggin' HAMMOCK I bought for $30 when I started my job even though I don't have a backyard or conceive having one for at least five more years. I mean, really.

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