April 15, 2008

Blog Glee

I'm sitting in my office right now, it's 9:15 at night and I want to go home but I haven't hit my two page quota for my novel and I'm stuck in a serious ditch here, people, for real. The kind of creative anguish that comes when you know exactly where you're supposed to go and for the life of you, you just cannot get there. At this point, I couldn't write my way out of a paper bag. I can't even think of a better metaphor.

Otherwise known as the Dread Middle. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, let me just tell you that it royally sucks. I mean, I stayed, I'm sitting here alone in a dark office and I have nothing to show for it today but two wasted hours, one measly, greasy page of text I'll probably chop in editing, and a few dozen movie trailers I've watched online to get myself back into the mood. (PS The summer movie situation isn't looking so hot. God, I'm such a sad sack right now. Sorry.)

Having said all that and thus whining enough to fill a full glass, can I just say that there is quite possibly nothing that could have made me feel better than to get two of my favoritest blog-treats ever, which is 1) the world's sweetest mention on my friend Jen's own fantastic blog, Sumeba Miyako, including bringing up my short and oh so sweet brush with Internet fame this past summer. Even though she's only been blogging for a few months and is such a natural at it that I sometimes get the urge to hurt her.

AND a comment from a Blogger I seriously love and read every day. Petunia Face is awesome, in case you're slow and/or have not yet gotten the memo (my friend/coworker Michael is also a fan and it's almost impossible to tear him away from Facebook and TWoP so that's a serious endorsement there) and I think with these two little pieces of blog-heaven, I might actually be able to tear my ass out of my chair now. Thank God for that. I'm starving.

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