April 30, 2008

Cheer Vol I

The universe is conspiring to knock me on my ass today. I literally cannot speak to anyone without hearing yet something else that should send me into the fetal position. Death, illness, hospital stays, IV drips, people being cruel for unknown reasons. But I will not succumb! Mark my words.

I've always been brilliant at cheering myself up- it's a solid habit to develop and one of those rare things about myself that I've always been grateful for. I can remember the moment I figured it out too- in college, stuck in the doldrums for what must've been very dramatic reasons at the time (as all college depression tends to be. So much drama). For some reason I thought "Maybe I can snap myself out of this." So I started jumping on my bed (my roommate was out I think. I probably wouldn't have done it if she was hanging around. At 18, I was very self-conscious. Obviously such things dissolve in time. Is that a good thing?)

It worked. In no time I was laughing. I must've looked deranged. And I'm at work and unless I start leaping on my rolly chair, which will doubtlessly leave me cracking my head on my desk and with a serious concussion, I have to resort to Youtube, chocolate chip cookies and anything that makes me laugh.

So, here we go. Volume I. More things to come.

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