April 28, 2008

Just Once

I'd like to see a movie where the single girl isn't so immersed in depression about not having somebody that her friends have to stage interventions...to find her somebody.

I'm referring to Must Love Dogs, which I sort-of-accidentally-not-really TiVoed on Saturday and watched on Sunday in a feverish bout of PMS-induced "nesting" that resulted in three loads of laundry, a loaf of homemade bread, two homemade pizzas, a batch of chocolate chip cookies and not one, not two but THREE different versions of fresh pasta. And yes, it's incredible to me as well that I not only managed to do all that but also watch a movie and work up a rant at the same time. Clearly, "I Am Woman" should be playing somewhere in this post.

If you find yourself in a similar predicament and it's a choice between Must Love Dogs and Britney Spears: THS the April 2008 version, go with Britney. Far less damaging. Relatively speaking.

I seriously feel for Diane Lane. This is an actress I adore, one who's had a fascinating film career, who appears to be aging spectacularly and (dare I say it?) naturally, married to equally yummy Josh Brolin who will always be a Goonie in my adoring eyes. She's not even that irritating in skin care commercials. And yet here she is again, playing a woman so hang-dog and lost about being alone that she could barely get herself out of her pajamas and bedspread cocoon.

Under the Tuscan Sun
is a little easier to take, especially since she manages to pull herself up and actually, you know, get a life BEFORE the trusty romantic epilogue. But Must Love Dogs? Girl, your sisters should not be throwing an intervention to get you a guy. That is the least of your issues. When one of those sisters retorts that she can't possibly be interfering with your life, because you have no life? That is cause for alarm. Maybe this whole thing would be easier if you could pull it together.

Unfortunately, there's no romantic comedy cliche involving the revelation that there's a life to be had, pursued even, via solo. Running through the rain? Yes. Got that very realistic angle covered at least. Thanks to the movies, when I realize I love the guy and he's already leaving for the train station, I will know exactly what to do.

I guess for everything else I'm on my own. Ironic when you think about it, isn't it?

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