July 9, 2008

Is This It?

OMG, Petunia Face tagged me like a month ago and I've been in the black hole of moving. Better late than never right? Right??

I've never done a blog tag before. Forgive me my ignorance, the absence here of sure footing.

1. What did you do 10 years ago?
Grimace. Ten years ago, I was somehow surviving the summer between junior and senior year of high school. I imagine there was a lot of letter writing to my best friend Kate, who lived far far away in Boston. We had just moved, again, this time to the sweet little condo in Amityville. We would move one more time before I graduated from school, three doors down from No. 8 to No. 11. I'm pretty sure if I were 16, I was doing a lot of writing, a lot of sulking, a lot of SNL watching, a lot of daydreaming about college and leaving NY. I was quite the lonely teenager. So far this game is very depressing.

2. Five items on your to-do list today
Hmmm. Send Mandy a birthday card. Online marketing for Culture Clique. I have a super gnarly presentation at 2 (LA time). Later will be "So You Think You Can Dance" with Mark and the kids. Buy wine. Life is so much better at 26 than it was at 16.

3. Snacks I enjoy
Pink lady apples and yogurt covered pretzels.

4. What would you do if you were a billionaire?
I would write. Write, write, write. I'd buy a massive farmhouse in Connecticut and a little cottage in the English countryside. I'd have dinner tonight in Paris and then stay the rest of the week, practicing French with my tutor. I'd adopt a slew of sheepdogs, the big shaggy ones like Nana in Peter Pan. I'd commission Zac Posen to design me a line of dresses in size 10 only. Buy my parents a villa in Italy. Buy my oldest sister, a social worker/single mom, the house of her dreams. Buy my niece a princess. Buy my nephew a pony. Make my second oldest sister take care of said pony. Then buy her the entire Banana Republic Summer Collection. Oh, and pay off Kate's med school bills. And buy Mandy a store. And Vic a pirate ship. And Trendz a dinosaur from Jurassic Park. God, there's so much to do.

5. Places I would live
Connecticut, the English countryside, Italy (anywhere in Italy), Savannah, Austin, Nashville and Seattle. And maybe a lighthouse in Maine.

6. Bloggers I am passing the challenge on to are:

Sumeba Miyako- Cause she lives in a tropical island in Japan and I don't.

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