July 10, 2008

Nephew Walks On Moon...

Or really just walks. But still. As Buzz and Neil can attest, all that matters is that first, single step.

Revel in the sheer cuteness of my nephew Aidan as he entertains himself enormously by standing up, sitting down and clapping for himself. I hope he's always so proud of his accomplishments. However, I hope, in the future, that he's wearing pants for said accomplishments.

If you, for some bizarre reason that I don't understand at all, don't want to watch five whole minutes of this (and my sister's baby voice), the money shot is at 3:07.

Other things to note:

- That face Aidan makes when he laughs? The nose scrunch? That is purely my sister's face when she laughs. Whenever he does it, I get that funny little hitch in my chest.

- He can only suck his thumb when he's got Blue, that blue stuffed dog of his. The best is when he simultaneously draws Blue to his chest with one hand and his thumb into his mouth at the exact same time. Score another point for Pavlov.

- I mean, really. My sisters breed giant children. Also I am opposed to the Donald Trump hairstyle he's been sporting but he's not my baby so I have no say.

- Isn't he cute? You can't have him, he's mine.

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